Phonics | Grammar | Advanced Phonics Education Consultants certification from JOLLY PHONICS CPD College

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Best Online Jolly Grammar Classes in Borivali
What we Teach in Jolly Phonics

We give wings to the child, so they can fly high to achieve their future goals.

We are at Jolly Reading; we are implementing the Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar syllabus. We don’t just stick to Jolly Phonics Syllabus; we go one step ahead and beyond the syllabus of Jolly Phonics. We mainly focus on reading in which students read Storybooks, Newspaper headline our Jr. Kg & Sr. Kg Student reads beyond the level of 3rd std. Student.





We give wings to the child, so they can fly high to achieve their future goals.

Phonics & Reading Phase 1 course is designed for kids in Jr. Kg / & Grade 1. . PHONICS & READING PHASE- 1

Best Online Jolly Grammar Classes in Mumbai-Jolly Reading-1
Learning the letter sounds
  • Blending and segmenting to read and write new words
  • Dictation and spelling rules.
  • Alternative Vowel Sounds
  • Word families and rhyming words
  • Picture and word association
  • Sequencing
  • Sight words reading exercises
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Vocabulary enhancement

With playful methods using :

  • Picture Talks
  • Flashcards
  • Connect a story etc.
Teaching Aids and tools used:
  • Child-friendly books & worksheets
  • Colorful flashcards
  • Memory games 
  • Videos
  • Online Games 

and much more

We give wings to the child, so they can fly high to achieve their future goals.

Phonics & Reading Phase 2 course is designed for kids in & Grade 1 

Best Online Jolly Grammar Classes in Mumbai-Jolly Reading-1
  • Digraphs
  • Blends
  • Diphthongs
  • Alternative Vowel Sounds
  • Word families and rhyming words
  • Spelling Rules
  • Picture and word association
  • Sequencing
  • Sight words reading exercises
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Vocabulary enhancement
SPOKEN English with  playful methods using :
  • Picture Talks
  • Flashcards
  • Connect a story etc.
Teaching Aids and tools used:
  • Child-friendly books & worksheets
  • Colorful flashcards
  • Memory games
  •  Videos
  • Online Games and much more
We give wings to the child, so they can fly high to achieve their future goals.

Advanced Phonics

Advanced Phonics Syllabus.

This program is also highly recommended for an older student who lacks a strong phonics foundation. The Advanced Phonics Program is specifically designed for children who need to learn: This program incorporates some elements of our Beginning-to-Read Program plus the advanced Phonics Lessons. The ultimate goal is to well-equip each student to read and comprehend.

Phonemic awareness:

 How to identify the different types of syllables. Introduces syllables; teaches how a “Y” at the end of a word can become a second syllable, tells if the first vowel sound is short or long; teaches standard exceptions to the rules just taught.

  • Phonics / Decoding:
  • How to divide a word into syllables and where an accent (the stress) is generally placed. They are using words from their school syllabus and including other words too.
  • Reading Fluency: How to read paragraphs smoothly, with expression, from one line to the next.
  • Building Vocabulary: Reading and understanding frequently used prefixes and suffixes—especially the pronunciation of prefixes in accented and unaccented syllables. Teaches the “R” controlled vowel pairs -air, -ear, -eer, -oor, -oar, -our and -ier (hair, hear, deer, door, roar, four, our and their, etc.) It also teaches many common homophones (hear/here, their/there, bare/bear, male/mail, etc.
  • Reading Comprehension: How to develop good reading comprehension through
  1. Clear pronunciation of words,
  2. Grouping words together to sound like talking,
  3. Using proper voice inflection [the rise and fall of the voice when speaking], and
  4. Observance of punctuation marks.
  5. They are translating syllables into words and focusing on phonetic spelling strategies. Students advance their phonics knowledge by decoding multisyllabic words and recognizing word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
Best Online Jolly Grammar Classes in Mumbai-Jolly Reading-1

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We give wings to the child, so they can fly high to achieve their future goals.


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